How To Make the Most of Your Bariatric Surgery

You’ve reached your limit with diets that don’t work for you, and you may have developed one or more health conditions as a result of excess weight you’re carrying.
Now you’ve signed up for bariatric weight loss surgery. Congratulations! You’ve reached a decision to improve your health and your overall quality of life.
At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our expert bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, have helped many patients develop a new lease on life as a result of bariatric surgery.
A decision to have bariatric weight loss surgery is more than a short-term decision. It has a lifelong impact on your eating habits and routines. You need to be very motivated to change your life patterns, because you need to establish and keep new food habits for the long term.
We provide detailed written instructions for eating after your surgery. You need to follow these instructions every day so that you don’t experience vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or other troublesome symptoms.
Your stomach is going to be much, much smaller post-surgery. You won’t be able to consume as much food in one sitting as you’re used to, and certain foods are going to be hard to digest.
Following are general guidelines for food habits and consumption after bariatric surgery.
Post-surgery to the two-month mark
Immediately after surgery, you go on a clear liquid diet. At first, you take small sips. A couple of weeks after the surgery, you may have liquid protein supplements and food with a pureed or thick liquid consistency like sugar-free nonfat yogurt, sugar-free pudding, and low fat cottage cheese.
Start with a serving the size of one tablespoon, then gradually move to a serving of two tablespoons. You work up to a half-cup serving.
Stay hydrated by drinking at least one liter of water or other non-calorie liquid every day.
In the following two weeks, add pureed and soft foods as you can tolerate them. Between months one and two, start eating very small meals six to eight times per day with about a quarter of a cup of solid food and a half of a cup of liquid foods. You should be consuming about 500 calories per day.
General guidelines for nutrition post-bariatric surgery
After your system has begun to adjust to new routines, you follow the general dietary guidelines that we provide to you. Here are some of the general guidelines you should follow after bariatric surgery.
Eat smaller portions with enough protein
Eat smaller meals. Get enough protein to help you feel full — about 65-75 grams per day. Eggs, seafood, poultry, yogurt, and other milk products are good choices. Eat three meals per day along with one or two healthy snacks.
Eat more slowly
If you used to eat dinner in 10 minutes, set a timer so you can see it to help you slow down your eating. You need to eat more slowly to allow your smaller stomach time to digest it. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly before swallowing.
Eat foods low in calories, fats, and sweets
This may be a definite departure from your former food consumption. Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar content. Monitor your food intake so you’re not eating more than 1,000 calories per day.
Don’t use straws, drink carbonated beverages, or chew ice
All of these activities draw air into your stomach and cause discomfort.
Stay hydrated
Gradually work up to drinking eight cups of fluid per day. Drink water between meals so you don’t get dehydrated.
Take daily supplements as directed
As we advised you before the surgery, you need to take nutritional supplements every day for as long as you live. Smash the pills into several small pieces in order to absorb them.
As the months pass, you’ll grow accustomed to your new eating routines. You’ll love the way you look as you continue to shed excess weight. To learn more, call one of our two Houston, Texas, locations today or request an appointment through our online portal. You’re in safe hands with our bariatric surgeons.
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